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Privacy Sprint @ SHC
Practicing privacy with confidence
January 2018

Although almost all staff agree that privacy is important to patient safety and experience, fear of reprisals have prevented front-line staff from making pro-active privacy decisions. We wanted to know how we might get AHS staff to practice privacy with confidence.


Through research and empathy, it was found that "grey" privacy issues - situational cicumstances that have murky legal boundaries - were the biggest opportunity for changing mindsets and behaviors.



The sprint team voted to create two prototypes: a fast-paced trivia card game so that front line staff could safely practice and discuss grey-area privacy issues during breaks; and an algorithm to determine when and how staff communicate with police services.


Both prototypes tested positively with minor tweaks and South Health Campus is taking the lead on distribution.


Lab Members: Marlies, Erin

Collaborators: Linda French, Lori Anderson

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